Add Improved Hearing To Your New Year’s Health Goals!

Audiologist giving patient a hearing test in a hearing booth

A new year rapidly approaches us, so it’s time to make resolutions. Go to the gym, pursue a new creative endeavor, change jobs, save up for a trip – these are all great goals for the new year. If improving your health is on the list, we’ve got a tip for you: take a hearing test!

It is essential to monitor your hearing health because it is crucial to watch any other aspect of your health: to detect potential problems early on and take steps to address them. Just like you would regularly visit a doctor to monitor your overall physical health, you should also check your hearing regularly to ensure it is functioning correctly.

An annual hearing test will illuminate your current hearing abilities. You may not be experiencing hearing loss, but the test is vital for your records. Keeping track of your hearing abilities over the years will come as a benefit in case your abilities do change in the future.

With 48 million Americans experiencing some degree of hearing loss and with hearing loss as the third most common medical condition, it’s a simple matter of fact that monitoring your hearing health should be a priority. If hearing loss is found, there are benefits to catching it early and treating the problem.

Improved Interpersonal Relationships

Though it may sound like people are mumbling and should speak up, the reality is that difficulty with speech recognition is one of the early signs of hearing loss. If you ask people to repeat themselves often or find yourself avoiding social interactions, you may have your hearing tested.

An annual hearing test checks your speech recognition abilities, and your hearing specialist will monitor this ability over the years. 

Healthy, clear communication is the foundation of successful interpersonal relationships, whether with your family or colleagues. 

Higher Earning Power

Did you know that people who leave their hearing loss untreated tend to earn less than their colleagues with normal hearing or who treat their hearing loss with hearing aids? 

Several studies have found that people who experience untreated hearing loss tend to underperform compared to their colleagues with regular hearing/hearing aids. Hearing loss interferes with our ability to locate and recognize speech, which could lead to misunderstandings in the workplace. Additionally, when the brain works harder to overcompensate for hearing loss, it takes away cognitive energy that could be used for concentration and memory. As a result, people with untreated hearing loss tend to be less productive on the job. 

Addressing hearing loss early on will ensure optimal performance in the workplace. 

Improved Personal Safety 

People who experience untreated hearing loss have been found to experience a higher rate of falls, accidents, and hospitalizations. Our sense of hearing keeps us connected to the world and aware of our surroundings. From traffic on the road to hearing a fire alarm downstairs in our house, many sounds notify us of danger. Our auditory system is also closely linked to our vestibular system, which manages our balance. Issues with the inner ear may lead to balance problems, thus leading to falls. 

We commit to improving our personal safety in many different areas by taking an annual hearing test.

Improved Health and Well-Being

Untreated hearing loss has been linked to an increased risk of stress, anxiety, depression, and gradual social withdrawal. Many people with untreated hearing loss tend to feel isolated from their communities, friends, family, and loved ones. This could adversely affect one’s emotional health. 

In addition, hearing loss is linked to several other disorders, such as dementia. Johns Hopkins University studies have found that people with untreated hearing loss are at higher risk for developing dementia. This is due to the cognitive load placed on the brain to make out unclear sound signals. With hearing aids, our cognitive abilities are improved, and we do not have to work overtime. 

Schedule Your Annual Hearing Test Today!

As you prepare for the new year and commit to better health, consider scheduling an annual hearing test with us. We provide comprehensive hearing tests and hearing aid fittings